
Browse Facilities

Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM)

The Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) is an umbrella core that includes a group of light microscopy cores that are managed by common staff. We support the Nikon Imaging Center (NIC), the Center for Advanced Multiphoton Microscopy (CAMM), and the CVRI Microscopy Core. 

Nikon Imaging Center at UCSF 

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Laboratory for Cell Analysis (LCA)

The LCA-microscopy mission is to assist the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and wider UCSF community with microscopy instrumentation and imaging support. 

We offer state of the art confocal, multiphoton, and high throughput imaging, as well as a number of diverse basic microscopy equipment, and assistance with experimental design, instrument operation and data analysis.
Our main facility is located on the third floor of the  Hellen Diller Cancer research building at 4150 3rd street on the Mission Bay campus.

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Gladstone Histology and Light Microscopy Core (HLMC) 

The Histology and Light Microscopy Core provides technical assistance, training, consultation and assistance with all aspects of experimental design, sample preparation, image processing, and data analysis to scientists from Gladstone, UCSF, and the Bay Area scientific community. The Core is equipped with expertise in sophisticated histological techniques including complex immunolabeling and histological image analysis, high-resolution imaging, confocal microscopy, light-sheet microscopy, spinning disk microscopy, and optical projection tomography and advanced image analysis.


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Innovation Core at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences

Formally designated a Leica Microsystems Center of Excellence, the Microscopy suite of the Innovation Core provides access to cutting-edge light microscopy instrumentation, including high-throughput, confocal, superresolution, and lifetime imaging. The core provides access and support to scientists at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences, the wider UCSF community, and the Bay Area scientific community.



Biological Imaging Development CoLabs (BIDC)

The Biological Imaging Development Center is an interdisciplinary center configured to assemble, test, and apply emerging light microscopy techniques and technologies. It is designed to serve two roles: a conduit for new optical imaging technology and as a site for technology development. The center also seeks to provide centralized space, personnel, and technical tools toward advancing optical imaging in the biological sciences.


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MLK Core Facility (MLK Cores)

The UCSF MLK Core Facility (MLK Cores) is located within the UCSF Martin Luther King Jr Research Building in Oakland, between the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland and UC Berkeley campuses. MLK Cores contains a range of scientific instrumentation in the areas of Cytometry, Microscopy, and Spectrometry. The mission of MLK Cores is to provide analysis, support, and training services to UC laboratories, while also being available to external users on a fee-for-service basis.


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