There are numerous online resources available that provide everything from forums, educational resources, open-source software, and technical resources. We have provided links to some of the most helpful resources we have found online.
Imaging Forums
Forums provide great platforms where you can ask questions or learn from discussions!
- Microforum is where the scientific community discusses hardware, acquisition, and specimen-related aspects of microscopy imaging. Here you can get advice from many experts on how best to acquire images. Forum
- is a forum for discussion about software aspects of microscopy imaging. Here you can ask questions and share ideas about image analysis, processing, etc. The forum is operated by COBA (Center for Open Bioimage Analysis).
Spectral Information
The following sites provide great resources including spectral information to help you with choosing the optimal fluorophores/fluorescence proteins!
- FPbase is a free database where you can find information about fluorescent proteins (FPs), which include their fluorescence attributes, amino acid sequences, structural data, and more. FPbase also provides an interactive spectra viewer along with spectra information on common fluorophores, filters, light sources, and detectors.
Zipfel Lab
- Zipfel Lab at Cornell University provides the two-photon spectra data for various fluorophores. You can check the optimal way to excite the molecules here. In general, the two-photon spectra are shifted towards shorter wavelengths from twice the one-photon spectra.
Spectra at UA
Open-source Software