This microscope is equipped to operate as both a high speed widefield microscope and as a wide field-of-view spinning disk confocal. For widfield it is equipped with an Andor Zyla sCMOS camera which has 5.5 megapixels and is capable of 100 fps using the full chip. The spinning disk can be used with either and Andor Zyla sCMOS 4.2 megapixel camera or and Andor iXon Ultra DU888 1k x 1k EMCCD to enable large field of view confocal imaging. The microscope utilizes the Nikon Perfect Focus System, an automated piezo stage to enable multi-position high throughput imaging, and an Oko stage top incubator for live imaging. It is also equipped with 405 nm and 470 nm lasers for photoactivation and photobleaching.
- 4-color fluorescence imaging
- 3D confocal imaging
- Gigapixel image stitching
- Automated imaging
- Live cell time lapse imaging
- High speed imaging
- Photobleaching and photoactivation
- Plan Apo λ 10x/0.45
- Plan Apo λ 20x/0.75
- Plan Apo λ 40x/0.95
- Apo LWD 40x / 1.15 WI
- Plan Apo 60x / 1.27 WI
- Plan Apo VC 100x/1.4 Oil
Equipment Details:
- Nikon Ti Microscope (Inverted)
- Andor Borealis CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal
- Andor 4-line laser launch (100 mW at 405, 561, and 640 nm; 150 mW at 488 nm)
- Lumencor Spectra-X 6-channel LED illuminator
- Sutter excitation and emission filter wheel
- Andor Zyla 5.5 sCMOS camera for widefield imaging
- Andor Zyla 4.2 sCMOS camera for confocal imaging
- Andor DU-888 EMCCD camera for confocal imaging
- Rapp programmable illumination system
- Vortran 405 and 473 nm lasers for photobleaching / photoactivation
Light Source:
- Andor 4-line laser launch
- Vortran 405 and 473 nm lasers for photobleaching/ photoactivation
Excitation Lasers for Confocal:
- 405nm
- 488nm
- 561nm
- 647nm
Lasers for Photobleaching/Photoactivation:
- 405nm
- 473nm
Excitation Wavelengths for Spectra X Widefield LED:
- 405nm
- 430nm
- 488nm
- 500nm
- 561nm
- 640nm
Emission Filters for Confocal:
- ET450/50m
- ET525/50m
- ET600/50m
- ET620/60m
- ET700/75m
- zET405/488/561/635m
Emission Filters for Widefield:
- 440/40m
- 525/30m
- 607/36m
- 684/24m
- 472/30m
- 542/27m
- 440/521/607/700 multiBP
- 464/547 multiBP