![Fully Motorized stereomicroscope with fluorescence and motorized stage](https://microscopy.ucsf.edu/sites/g/files/tkssra5306/f/styles/medium/public/Thunder%20%20Live%20organism%20automated%20Stereo.jpg?itok=DdwrWbZH)
This system is a fully motorized stereomicroscope for both reflected and transmitted light. A high speed motorized stage enables large image acquisition and/or multi-position high throughput imaging of plates.
The system is equipped with a high speed (up to 30fps full frame) high sentivity camera combined with an LED for fluorescence illumination as well as both transmitted and reflected light for brightfield/oblique contrast imaging.
The system is ran by LASX software with a "Thunder" compuational clearing module.
It can also be ran in Micromanager/Pycromanager for custom scripts.
Equipment Details:
- Leica M205FCA stereo with motirized Z and filter turret
- Leica LMT260 XY-Scanningstage
- Hamamatsu Flash 4.0 v3
- LASX Software Package with Thunder computational clearing module
Plan Apo 1X objective
Plan Apo 2X objective with Corr Collar
Light Source:
- Leica LED 3 (390-680nm)
- White LEDs for transmitted and reflected light
- ET BFP - M205FA/M165FC filter cube
- ET GFP - M205FA/M1A/M165FC65FC
- ET mCherry - M205FA/M165FC filter cube
- ET CY5 - M205FA/M165FC filter cube
Weill Institute for Neurosciences Building (MB)
Innovation Core (Weill)
Brightfield, DIC, phase
Upright microscope
Widefield epifluorescence
Staff contact:
Special Access requirements:
Training by Core Staff