The Zeiss Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscope 780 is a scanning confocal and 2-photon microscope specifically suited for in vivo and deep tissue imaging of live and fixed samples. Live cell imaging is available using a high NA 20X dipping lens. Detectors include two sensitive external GaAsP detectors for 2-photon imaging, and three fully spectral internal detectors, including a 34 channel GaAsP array for detection of multicolor-labeled samples. Additionally, the system has fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) capabilities through a frequency domain photon-counting card connected to the external GaAsPs.
- Multichannel acquisition up to 10 channels
- Multiphoton excitation
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)
- Deep tissue in vivo and in vitro imaging (~0.5-1 mm)
- Tiling and multiposition acquisition
- z-stacks
- Plan-Apochromat 10X/0.45
- W Plan-Apochromat 20X/1.0
- LCI Plan-Neofluar 25X/0.8 Imm Korr Ph2
- C-Apochromat 63X/1.2 W Korr
- C-Apochromat 63X/1.47 Oil Korr
Equipment Details:
- Zeiss Axio-Examiner body
- Hammamatsu H7260 32 channel linear array detector
- 2 channel NDD GaSP detectors
- Coherent Chameleon Ultra II multiphoton laser
- ISS FastFLIMbox
- ZEN black imaging software
- Vista & SimFCS FLIM analysis softwares
Light Source:
- Argon-ion laser
- HeNe
- Mode locked Ti:Saphire tunable laser
Confocal Wavelengths:
- 405nm
- 458nm
- 488nm
- 514nm
- 561nm
- 633 nm
Multi photon Excitation
- 640-1040 nm
Emission Filters:
- Completely spectral descanned detection from 380nm to 760nm
- BFP, GFP, RFP suitable filters for non descanned detection