All of the microscopes listed on Microscopy@UCSF are located in core facilities and are available for use by the research community. There are a few resources that are limited to specific groups or have special restrictions which will be listed in the side panel under Special Access requirements for each microscope.
New Users:
To get started find the microscope you are interested in using on the Find Instruments page. You can use the filters to narrow the list of options. On each microscope page there will be a link to the reservation calendar, the core webpage, and a listing of staff contacts responsible for the instrument. Training requirements vary between different core facilities but any of the staff contacts will help you get started. If you are unsure which type of microscope you need for your experiments just use the contact link at the bottom of the page to email all the core directors. We are happy to provide advice for what techniques are best for your experiments.
iLab Accounts:
The reservation calendars for all the microscopes are on iLab. If you don’t have an iLab account detailed directions for setting up an account can be found on the RRP website. The basic steps for setting up a new account are as follows:
- Create your iLab Account at
- Request to be added to your PI
- Ask your PI to assign you to funding sources (This step has to be done by the PI or someone assigned as a Lab Manager)
Some of the calendars will be restricted to trained users so please contact core staff for assistance if needed.
External Users:
Both external academic and corporate users can access core facilities as noted. Prior to using the equipment external users will need to execute an agreement with UCSF, which typically takes 2-3 weeks. To request access for your company please contact the core director for the instrument you are interested in using directly.