Caroline Mrejen, PhD

Imaging Specialist
Manager of the Innovation Core
at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences
+1 415 514-2190

A lipid E-MAP identifies Ubx2 as a critical regulator of lipid saturation and lipid bilayer stress.

Molecular cell

Surma MA, Klose C, Peng D, Shales M, Mrejen C, Stefanko A, Braberg H, Gordon DE, Vorkel D, Ejsing CS, Farese R, Simons K, Krogan NJ, Ernst R

Induction of pancreatic islet cell differentiation by the neurogenin-neuroD cascade.

Differentiation; research in biological diversity

Gasa R, Mrejen C, Lynn FC, Skewes-Cox P, Sanchez L, Yang KY, Lin CH, Gomis R, German MS

The HMG box transcription factor Sox4 contributes to the development of the endocrine pancreas.


Wilson ME, Yang KY, Kalousova A, Lau J, Kosaka Y, Lynn FC, Wang J, Mrejen C, Episkopou V, Clevers HC, German MS

Proendocrine genes coordinate the pancreatic islet differentiation program in vitro.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Gasa R, Mrejen C, Leachman N, Otten M, Barnes M, Wang J, Chakrabarti S, Mirmira R, German M

Autoregulation and maturity onset diabetes of the young transcription factors control the human PAX4 promoter.

The Journal of biological chemistry

Smith SB, Watada H, Scheel DW, Mrejen C, German MS